no, i have nothing
送交者: del 于 2011-04-13, 15:49:15:
回答: 是apl. Prof.(计划外教授),就说是apl. Prof., 为什么 由 心下 于 2011-04-13, 13:21:07:
I have just said: if what he said was true, he was
an apl Prof. But I doubt it.
正式向德国政府高教主管部门, it is absolutely falsh.
He even did not know that Professors belong to
State (Land).
BTW, if he was apl Prof., then writing
as Prof. Guan has no problem, though apl. Prof
is not reallly a Professor.
His Briefkopf is nothing.
Everyone could make such a Briefkopf