送交者: boxer 于 2005-4-19, 16:44:54:
回答: "对薛野照片的技术分析"的重复试验 由 BT 于 2005-4-19, 16:22:45:
This is an ill conditioned problem. You could never prove that he 造假 or not. However, one thing is for certain, the interpretation of those photos are totally wrong.
Judging from the histogram and reach the conclusion that he 造假 is only a wide guess. That is all.
Adjusting the intensity level doesn't need to be linear operation. If the adjustment generated oversaturation, your informaiton is for ever lost.
Another point is missed in most discussion. JPEG format is lossy, which means high frequecy details are sacrificed. The image posted here could experience twice compression(from the raw data to JPEG in camera, then to JPEG on the web), which could bring in some artifacts. Playing with the histogram of the JPEG posted on the web and reached certain conclusion is very bold.