王小二把Santa 的来信看了几遍,然后走过来问我:“爸爸,你说Santa 是真的吗?”
我松了口气;看样子,我们蒙骗他Santa 的来信和礼物还没被他识破。
圣诞节前,小儿子就开始给Santa写信了。去年要的礼物是一张Wii 游戏盘,我还能对付。今年胃口大了,竟然看上几千 片的Lego, 价值四五百,我可没能力负担。几次跟儿子暗示说,Santa 今年不来了,因为你要的礼物太贵了,Santa 负担不起。儿子都坚信不疑地表示,会来的。而且还说要在圣诞夜等Santa, 看看他长什么样。去年我是联哄带骗把他弄上床,趁机把他要的游戏盘塞进他的礼物袋里。第二天如愿以尝得到他的礼物,异常高兴地说,Santa 来了,送我礼物了。还问我们见到Santa 没有,他长什么样。我们就胡诌道,Santa顶着圣诞帽,留着白胡子,戴着眼镜,非常慈祥的一个老头。没想到,儿子纠正道:“Santa 不戴眼镜!”。我就再胡扯道:“Santa 迷上打电子游戏,眼睛搞近视了,就像你哥哥一样。” 今年,我可怎么懵他?
我在网上发贴子求助,得到不少好建议,有网友说,告诉他“现在很多人都失去工作没有钱了,圣诞老人要帮助他们,就没有那么多钱给他买礼物了”。我觉得这主意不错,就把原话转给他了。没想到王小二坚决地说Santa 不买玩具,Santa做玩具,他让elves 做;如果在圣诞节他得不到他要的玩具,Santa就是骗子。
后来,妻子在网上买了几本quarter collection folders (25美分硬币收藏本),准备了一封以Santa名义写给王小二的信(附后),在平安夜把它们包裹好,塞进了他的礼物袋里。
第二天,王小二没有找到他要的Death Star Lego,但看到了那封信和硬币收藏本。
他对我嘀咕道:“Santa说我要的lego too many pieces, elves can’t make it.”
“但Santa 给我写信了,还给了我coin collection fold; 他要我自己攒钱,将来就可得到我要的Lego 了。”儿子似乎显得很高兴,小心地把Santa的信和圣诞卡放入他的柜子里。
附Santa 来信
Dear 王小二:
Merry Christmas!
The elves and I are very busy getting ready for Christmas, and I’m really excited that we’ll be visiting you.
You have been a good boy at school this year. I also know that you are a little bit naughty and do not listen to your mom sometimes, are you? Santa Claus likes bringing toys to little children who are kind to others, listen to their parents and do their best in school.
Mrs. Claus has been baking Christmas cookies for all the elves so they have plenty of energy to build toys. You asked for Death Star Lego for Christmas. However, elves can not have it completed because of too many pieces. Please don’t be disappointed, I did bring you a gift- a coin collection folder! Let us save money together, and I am sure that you will have the Death Star Lego in the future.
Please remember that Christmas is not just asking or receiving the gifts, it is more about caring, cherish love and appreciation of life!
Have a very merry Christmas!