送交者: 短江学者 于 2011-01-10, 17:11:14:
Since 1954, one of the most important guiding principles in physics has been that our description of the world should be based on a special type of classical field theory known as a Yang-Mil ls theory. With the exception of gravitation, all the important theories of modern physics are quantized versions of Yang-Mills theories. These include
quantum electrodynamics, the electroweak theory of Salam and Weinberg, the standard model of particle physics, and the GUTs (grand unified theories) proposed in the 1970s as extensions of the standard model. The most important of these theories is the standard model of particle physics, which is our current best theory of how matter works. People sometimes describe the standard model as a Yang-Mills theory with an U (1) × S U (2) × S U (3) gauge symmetry.