Another Vangelis' masterpiece-chariots of fire


送交者: runlikeforest 于 2011-04-12, 22:16:58:

回答: Conquer of Paradise 由 year2226 于 2011-04-12, 21:55:31:

Bing Xu
The best running music!!!! First heard at the Jax Gate River 15K two weeks ago. The music was played right before the starting. I have been wondering what the heaven music was for TWO weeks! Till yesterday at the Autism 5K this music was played again! The DJ told me this is the Chariots of Fire. I am going to watch this movie...

Vangelis - Chariots of Fire
CLIP VIDEO Vangelis - Chariots of Fire
March 27 at 9:27pm · · Like · · Share
Brian Davis, Cole Tessier, Buddy Levins and 4 others like this.

Mike Boll Show it Nancy, I've never seen it either...
March 28 at 8:16am · Like
Nancy Stedman-Laux awesome then, i will. please remember to come hear the lecture this friday night at the myes park community room :)
March 28 at 8:48am · Unlike · 1 person



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