送交者: Jo 于 2010-09-01, 12:32:07:
我愿世界和平(2010-08-27 18:26)转载标签:杂谈
成龙Twitter (http://twitter.com/eyeofjackiechan)
I come back to hk & I hear terrible news about what happened in filippines.
A lot of things don't happen to your own country you don't pay attention.
this kind of things always happen around the world.
It happened to hk's people,
the whole hk is talking about it.
Its really sad.
If they killed the guy sooner, they will say why not negotiate first?
If they negotiate first, they ask why not kill the guy sooner? So sad.
HK is a nation built by a lot of different people..don't worry!
We do not hate!
I remember the day before in korea we talked about how people should love each other.
We already have so many natural disasters..typhoon, tsunami, everything.
Humans should be united and not kill or hate each other.