Agree, but


送交者: boxer 于 2005-3-22, 14:25:58:

回答: 本来是件私事,法庭判了不服,上诉驳回来回折腾都很正常 由 乱劈材 于 2005-3-22, 14:04:51:

As to "私事", this thing seems a little bit complicated to me. Maybe some people here can educate me.

1). The husband could walk away. In fact, the parents begged him to divroce their daughter. He lives with his girl friend and they have several kids together.

2). It seems to me the husband and the parents are fighting for the 1.5M$ medical malpractice fee. I do not know who is paying the medical expense of the patient. If it is covered totally by the insurance, then I think the husband should walk away with part of the money and leave the patient to the parents just for the sake of mercy. If the moeny is to be totally used on taking care of the patient, I can understand why the husband would like to see her dead.

3). To which extent, a person can be declared death? On which stage, a life begins? The liberals and the conserve party differs in this fundamental issue. That is the reason for all the political fight.

4). As a laymen of medical science, I think the patient still have some response to outside signal. If she was my daughter, I would like to fight for her.



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