送交者: 田野 于 2009-02-15, 20:32:30:
回答: 龚小夏竞选弗吉尼亚州议员 由 eddie 于 2009-02-15, 12:32:47:
She taught us that having an Asian Am. cabinet secretary does NOT necessarily benefit our community.
Q: How did Elaine Chao disappoint or harm our community?
Give facts please.
A: In 2001, 80-20 approached Sec. Elaine Chao about the apparent non-enforcement of the Exec. Order 11246 for Asian Ams. Her Labor Dept. was explicitly charged by Exec. Order 11246 to secure equal opportunity in workplaces for ALL Americans. She used various excuse not to avoid discussion.
In 2005, 80-20 presented irrefutable data, shown at the end of this email that had been read into the Congressional Record by Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware. It showed that
"Asian Ams have the least opportunity to enter management and the slowest rate of progress towards equal employment opportunity, despite having the highest educational attainment."
She still refused to enforce the law although it was her duty as the Labor Secretary*.
Q: Could Sec. Chao be right and 80-20 be wrong?
A: NO. She could have held a public hearing to examine the merits of 80-20's request. Note that 16 Democratic presidential candidates including John Kerry & Joe Lieberman in 2004 and Barack Obama & Joe Biden in 2008 have agreed to this 80-20 request.
Her Deputy Sec. Steve Law sent comments intended to refute the our argument. Instead, when 80-20 researched to verify their validity, we found facts diametrically opposed to the comments. Why the labor Dept. didn't seek the validity of its own comments before sending them to
80-20 was a puzzle. It seemed to suggest an unprofessional way the department was run.
For details visit
Go to "6. Frequently Asked Questions," where 80-20 EF answered all the questions sent by the Labor Department under Sec. Chao.