送交者: Hoffman 于 2005-2-14, 14:56:38:
回答: 德国伊尔梅瑙大学“辱华事件”升级:校长致中国学生公开信 zt 由 haole 于 2005-2-14, 12:05:04:
to apologize!
The guys threatened to use power against a fellow chinese only because of her speech, and thus violated German law and also Chinese law.
The German law and the German university do not judge whether her speech was right or not. It does not matter.
The guys should take the responsibility for that.
If they felt they were not guilty, they should resort to the Chinese Embassy for help and supprot.
Up to now, we do NOT see any sign that the Embassy would intervene.
That tells something!
Think about it and learn a lesson, guys! If you are bound to be heros, that is great: Welcome home!