送交者: oocyte 于 2005-12-23, 13:57:55:
以前拜访清华生物系的网页,就觉得这位屠教授的简历好奇怪。今天终于有有心人好好挖掘了一下。本人重温了一遍该系网页,又发现一位深藏不露paper的巾帼教授。请各位高人过过法眼。感觉现在国内做植物发育生物学的学者水平很多都挺高,不时在Nature, Plant Cell等好杂志上发文章。这位李教授是不是显得有点囊中羞涩?
注:Planta 2004年影响因子3.1。
李 一 勤
简 历:
1985-1991年任北京针灸骨伤学院生物化学教研室主任, 副教授。
1991-1996年在意大利Siena大学作访问学者, 获意大利生物学博士学位(2),并完成博士后计划。此期间曾到美﹑德﹑法等国进行科研协作。
《植物学报》编委; 国际植物有性生殖研究协会执委会成员(Member of Executive Council)
Li YQ, Zhang HQ, Pierson ES, Huang FY, Linskens HF, Hepler PK and Cresti M (1996) Enforced growth-rate fluctuation causes pectin ring formation in the cell wall of Lilium longiflorum pollen tubes. Planta 200:41-49
Li YQ, Cai G, Mascatelli A and Cresti M (1997) Functional interaction among cytoskeleton, membranes and cell wall in the pollen tubes of flowering plants. Int Rev Cytol 176; 133-199
李一勤 (1998)花粉与花粉管:生物技术领域理想的细胞体系。细胞生物学动态 (翟中和 主编)第二卷 167-188
Yang Xiao-Dong, Sun Su-Qin and Li Yi-Qin (1999) Boron deficiency caused changes in the distribution of major polysaccharides of pollen tube walls. Acta Bot. Sin 41:1169-1176
Kotake T, Li YQ, Takahashi M and Sakurai N (2000) Characterization and function of wall-bound exxo-glucanases of Lilium longiflorum pollen tubes. Sex Plant Reprod 36:1-9
Li Yi-Qin, Kotake Toshihisa, Sakurai Naoki, Zhao Nan-Ming and Liu Qiang (2001) Role of Wall-bound ?-Glucanases in Regulating Tip-growth of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. Pollen Tubes. Acta Bot Sin 43: 461-468
Li Y-Q, Mareck A, Faleri C, Moscatelli A, Liu Q and Cresti M.(2002) Detection and localization of pectin methyl esterase isoforms in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. Planta 214: 734-740