送交者: neptune2 于 2005-12-21, 15:16:36:
This was a valid statement 10-15 years ago. Definitely not now:
Singer SS, Mannel DN, Hehlgans T, Brosius J, Schmitz J.
From "junk" to gene: curriculum vitae of a primate receptor isoform gene.
J Mol Biol. 2004 Aug 20;341(4):883-6.
Balakirev ES, Ayala FJ.
Pseudogenes: are they "junk" or functional DNA?
Annu Rev Genet. 2003;37:123-51. Review.
Lev-Maor G, Sorek R, Shomron N, Ast G.
The birth of an alternatively spliced exon: 3' splice-site selection in Alu exons.
Science. 2003 May 23;300(5623):1288-91.
Andolfatto P.
Adaptive evolution of non-coding DNA in Drosophila.
Nature. 2005 Oct 20;437(7062):1149-52.
Keightley PD, Gaffney DJ.
Functional constraints and frequency of deleterious mutations in noncoding DNA of rodents.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Nov 11;100(23):13402-6. Epub 2003 Nov 3.