送交者: skipper3 于 2005-2-01, 22:21:00:
回答: 别卖关子了,帮他算算帐,we hear hear..... 由 Latino2 于 2005-2-01, 21:42:53:
1. You have two options. To compare them in a senseable manner you first evaluate both options using the same nominator or "ruler". I always use $$$. SO you are going to make some calculations on money.
2. Because money has time value. $1000 today carries more value than $1000 when you are 65 years old have different value. So you need to decide which point of time your calculation is based on. I usually use present time (today) but you can use any time.
3. Estimate your income for each year from now to you retire. They must be weighted by the probability of job loss, promotion etc.
4. Estimate the value of quality of life. Say you prefer working in industry to being faculty. So you ask yourself: if I am a happy engineer I have my quality of life, how much more money/year they have to pay me to make me become a professor (you don't factor in job security as a quality of life here becasue it was done in (3)). Let's say you are happy to switch your job if they can pay you $10000/year more.
5. Estimate other factors similar to that in (4), including all tangible or intangible benefits and penalties. Now you must really know yourself in order to do so.
6. Deduct that $10000 and what ever you get from (5)from your annual income calculated from (3), for each year.
7. You now have all the net cash flow for each year. Sum them up and factor in time value (you can use average annual interest rate if you are risk averse).
Now you have a net present value (or future value depending on the point of time you have chosen). This is how much each of the two options is worth.
8. You choose the one that's worth more.