送交者: BerkeleyWolf 于 2005-12-19, 14:00:02:
回答: 一屋子N个人,你讲什么话? 由 上海工人 于 2005-12-19, 13:06:37:
It doesn't matter if you speak 北京话 or 上海话, the major consideration is polite.
If all people in the room can not understand 北京话, it is not polite to speak 北京话. However, in case they are all Chinese, 北京话 is the right choice since everybody knows it.
nobody knows 上海话 beside People from Shanghai. Speaking 上海话 in front of other people is not polite.
The same thing: speaking Chinese in a U.S. university among all English speakers is not polite. Speaking English in a Chinese university among all Chinese speakers is not polite.