送交者: Enlighten 于 2005-1-30, 18:58:57:
回答: resoning alone means nothing to me. Whther it is 由 skipper3 于 2005-1-30, 18:27:26:
Scientific way for decision making is not limited to the situation of having "all information, facts and theories etc". It also includes decision "under insufficient information", and "under bounded rationality". Simon won his Nobel in Economics some 30 years ago partly due to his contribution in this area. So it's long been a part of science and it's well accepted now.
Now, the consensus and vote you mentioned belong to collective decisions. In economics this area is called Public Choices. It looks at the process and the quality of the decisions through voting. And it is no less scientific than other subjects.
As a matter of fact, I can't see subjects in social sciences can do without scientific method, unless it's literature, art, music, that sort of things.