送交者: skipper3 于 2005-11-11, 21:57:13:
回答: 信仰造物主的人有一个绝妙的方法来驳斥进化论 由 HunHunSheng 于 2005-11-11, 21:16:46:
religion is absurd.
The fundamental issue is whether the world can be made certain. I think the world is not certain. Future can not be totally predictable, at least in one's lifetime, and lifetime is all that matters. Notice uncertainty equals risk, rational human being must use some kind of tool to deal with taht, so here comes the religion and god.
The fight between church and atheists at society level is purely driven by group interests. It has little to do with finding the truth. If you don't agree with this statement go ask yourself: What is REALLY bothering you when school starts to teach creation theory?