送交者: aliastwo 于 2005-10-10, 11:09:18:
The source I'm getting the news from, as you may already know, makes money through issuing licenses to schools, institutions and public libraries. Although you need a password to login to their database, the links to the articles on their server carry a license key to allow people all around the world to read it. You can send the url to anyone you like. They call it OpenUrl for a reason :-) That's why those keys are so widespread on the internet. Most people are just not aware of it.
New York Times has already closed the syndication loophole by asking the syndicated news websites to provide login restrictions. My news source seems to comply with this rule. They just have a password for everyone. So far only 102 people downloaded the file. Many of them may not even use it at all. As long as the user base remains small, it will be fine.