送交者: skipper3 于 2005-9-29, 00:56:11:
回答: 没看到我下面算帐吗?先把儿女给养大了再说 由 老中一号 于 2005-9-29, 00:38:28:
to attach a very small value to their marginal income. They are definitely in a different class. &24k/year! The last &24k I earn each year is about as half valuable as the first &24k is. But for them the last &24k is probably nothing: life won't change much with or with that money.
It's safe to say the value of the first &24k is about the same to me and to them. So the conclusion is: I would be giving up much greater value than they do for the same amount of education. That means I would be seriously short changed! Why would I do that?