送交者: jiangzhaiwai 于 2005-9-19, 13:46:54:
From NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/18/weekinreview/18fountain.html
Rongrong Zhou, an assistant professor of marketing at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said the differences went beyond a Hong Kong-mainland split. Ms. Zhou, who has studied the psychology of queuing in Hong Kong, although not at theme parks, said there was a tendency among Asians and others in more collective cultures to compare their situation with those around them. This may make it more likely that they will remain in a line even if it is excessively long.
Ms. Zhou said this finding was rooted in a somewhat paradoxical observation: that it is the people behind a person in line, rather than in front, that determines the person's behavior.
"The likelihood of people giving up and leaving the queue is lower when they see more people behind them," Ms. Zhou said. "You feel like you are in a better position than the others behind you."
By contrast, she said, Americans and others in more individualistic societies make fewer "social comparisons" of this sort. They don't necessarily feel better that more people are behind them, but feel bad if too many people are in front of them. Lines in these cultures tend to be more self-limiting.
In a place like Hong Kong, however, the lines may just grow and grow. "The longer the line, people think the service is more worthwhile to get," Ms. Zhou said.