Have you ever heard of "nofollow"?


送交者: 松鼠 于 2005-8-31, 00:01:25:

回答: How to do a Blogger comment spam 由 xj 于 2005-8-30, 23:33:41:

Comment spam is inevitable. But why do spammers put comment spam in people's blogs? Do they expect blog visitors to visit the the spam website?

No, every literal blog visitor knows that's spam and he will NOT click the spam link.

So, why the spammers bother to do that?

Because the spammers want to cheat on search engines. They want the search engines to think "So many blogs are linking to this website, so this website must be important". They think the search engine can't tell spam comments from the blogs.

This is why Google and other search engines invent "nofollow" 3 months ago (or so). They say: All the blog systems should add "ref=nofollow" tag to the links appeared in comments, and the search engines will not consider these links in page-ranking. In this way, the comment spam will not function for search engines, then it will disappear finally.



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