送交者: cornbug 于 2005-8-19, 23:49:59:
回答: what do you mean multivariate ANOVA? 由 xj 于 2005-8-19, 23:08:27:
Basically I want to compare two Groups (independant) for one dependant valuable or measurement (eg, X1)obtained in consecutive 4 tests.And there are also other dependant valuables (say, X2, X3, X4).
I want to see 1) The main effect of Group (the difference between the two groups), 2) The main effect of Test on X1 (the adaptation) within the individual group, as well as want to see the effect and cross-effect of those additional dependants X2,3,4.
Yes, I am going to use SAS GLM also but don't know how yet.I am really bad in stat and I am not sure I made it clear.
Thanks a lot.