送交者: skipper3 于 2005-7-06, 15:36:39:
回答: 关于上海房价的问题,我认为Bluesea说得有理 由 Enlighten 于 2005-7-06, 13:42:19:
What is it? Owning a home or having a place to live a relatively comfortable life? In another word: need or want?
Bluesea's problem is: someone he knows can not afford to own a home.
Government policy should help to fulfill people's needs, but not people's wants. As for Bluesea's friend, I don't see why he has to own a home when the cost of renting one is a lot lower than the cost of ownership. To me this is very unrational thinking. After all, buying a home is investment and invetment opportunity does not come every time one wants it.
On the other hand, this shows the rental market is potentially huge and is full of opportunities. The only thing needed is a slight shift of people's mindset. The rental market in SH today is terrible: fragmented, no efficiency what so ever, unprofessional agencies, lack of free flow of market information... I say a franchise company that helps people who own spare homes to market their properties effectively is an excellent business idea. I even figured out the slogan: "今天你签租约了吗?"
"Rent-to-Own" would also be nice model.