fang is against himself on mask


送交者: kma 于 2020-08-22, 11:13:30:

回答: 一个反口罩党的看法 由 LB 于 2020-08-21, 17:31:02:

the biggest thign people learn from fang is respect science. and how to dothat?

listening to mains stream science advice, listening to expert authority.

but this time fang is going the other way, siding with a few sicentist in the world,mainly sweden,s tengnell.

what about cdc, nih, fda? those previously all held in high regards by fang, waht happened now?

i only know two famous experts on respiratory infectious disease: the two "lip"s in havard:

lipsitch and lipkin. both clearly endorse wearing masks. it is easy to google.

if fang knows more, let us know.

i said before fang and sweden could stil be right in the end. but at this moment their views are simply not the mainstream one. fang is not an expert on this scientif issue, on what basis he so firmly believe only himself and a few like tengnell are right?

it's fang against fang.



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