Why more thyroid cancer? Fluoridated water, x-rays, and radiation are all to blame
http://www.naturalnews.com/034758_thyroid_cancer_fluoride_radiation.html(NaturalNews) According to a recent report in USA Today, cases of thyroid cancer have risen 6.5 percent over the past several years, and many medical experts are at a loss for explaining why this is occurring. But mainstream science is ignoring all the most obvious factors that contribute to the disease -- fluoride chemicals added to drinking water; excessive medical x-rays; and radiation from cells phones, computers, naked body scanners, and nuclear disasters like Fukushima.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood organs in the body, the thyroid gland purifies the blood and detoxifies the body by taking up iodine nutrients and using them to cleanse the blood, which in turn lowers the amount of toxins run through the liver. But the thyroid gland's iodine receptors also take up harmful radiation like the kind emitted from modern communication devices, x-rays, and nuclear accidents, as well as toxic fluoride chemicals added to drinking water supplies across the country.
The causes of thyroid disease are all around us
It is truly amazing, in the most negative sense, that the medical profession is unable or unwilling to properly connect the dots between thyroid disease and these toxic factors. Fluoride chemicals, for instance, have been shown to impair thyroid function by replacing iodine in the body. Fluoride, after all, comes from the same chemical family as iodine (
X-rays, and particularly dental x-rays, are another major factor in thyroid problems that most in the medical community fail to address. Most dentists, for instance, will not provide their patients with neck shields while administering dental x-rays. The thyroid gland is located in the neck area, and every time this area is blasted with ionizing radiation, the thyroid gland absorbs it (
Then, there are the more obvious sources of radiation exposure like the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which sent plumes of deadly radiation across the globe. Fukushima emitted one toxic radionuclide in particular, iodine-131, that is known to absorb directly into the thyroid gland. This is why many experts recommend taking high doses of nutritive iodine during a nuclear emergency in order to displace radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland (
Mobile phones, laptop computers, compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs, and now US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) naked body scanners are all daily radioactive threats as well. It is more than likely that regular and repeated exposure to these smaller doses of radiation is also contributing to thyroid cancer.
This sampling of thyroid cancer contributors just goes to show that modern medicine, which denies any awareness of what could be causing an uptick in thyroid cancer, has its head in the sand about this important issue. But the question still remains whether this denial is deliberate and willful, or whether it is birthed out of pure ignorance.