送交者: oztiger 于 2012-10-04, 05:57:07:
回答: 谢谢whoami,我瞎扯几句:) 由 ax 于 2012-10-04, 00:43:59:
“理解力和鉴赏力” 不妥。
What I find common and so stimulating about the philosophical efforts of these intellectual colleagues is the way they thoughtfully reflect on human knowledge, amassed from empirical explorations in areas ranging from science to history, to clarify issues that are relevant to making decisions about how to function more effectively and happily as an individual, and as a member of a society.
I admit that this could primarily reflect of my own philosophical limitations, but I suspect this experience is more common than not among my scientific colleagues.
Which brings me full circle to the question of nothing, and my own comments regarding the progress ofphilosophy in that regard. When it comes to the real operationalissues that govern our understanding of physical reality, ontologicaldefinitions of classical philosophers are, in my opinion, sterile. Moreover, arguments based on authority, be it Aristotle, or Leibniz, are irrelevant.
full circle,和第二句译的不对。