送交者: tom_cat 于 2006-4-26, 07:56:18:
"Shigeru Miyagawa" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: Art is not an excuse!
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 02:38:32 -0400
To: "Min Ye"
I deeply regret that our Visualizing Cultures project, which is
intended to expose atrocities of war, propaganda, and racism, has
been misunderstood. It is by no means an art appreciation project, as
so many have mistakenly described it. At least for those in the
vicinity, Prof. John Dower, who created the unit you are referring
to, and I will be available to discuss the issues that have arisen.
In the meantime, recognizing that at this point we cannot avoid the
misunderstandings, we have pulled the unit off temporarily until we
can better understand how these atrocities can be exposed without the
regrettable misunderstandings that have occurred.
Shigeru Miyagawa
On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:14 PM, Min Ye wrote:
> http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027j/throwing_off_asia/
> toa_core_04.html
> This is a link of the MIT Japanese professor's art course. As some
> people talked about it, I have read through this.
> Although, this Japanese professor very carefully chooses the words
> he uses in this webpage, it is still not too hard for Chinese
> people to find his opinion about this war and slaughter presented
> in his art material. Yes, "hero", "heroic", these kinds of words
> belong to Japanese troops who are slaughtering Chinese people;
> "enemy" , this kinds of words belong to Chinese who are fighting
> with killers. If this Japanese professor does his art research
> under such attitude, I have lots of reasons to doubt what he wants
> to teach his students.
> Art is not an excuse for such an evil thing. In this war as well
> as later's World War Two, Japanese slaughtered millions of Chinese
> people. I do not deny that such wood art was created by some
> Japanese people at that time. But keep these rotten materials is
> one thing, publicly furnishing the invasion and slaughter under the
> cover of art is another thing!
> There do exist some paintings as well as other real art materials
> vividly presenting slaughters and other human tragedies to
> audiences. But those artists all show their sympathize to the
> people who are under the tragedies, hoping such things never happen
> again.
> Can we see such feelings from this so called art professor? No!
> Even in the figure someone is giving orders to cutting Chinese'
> heads, this professor describes as "heroic pose". Do you still
> believe he is showing arts? As I remember, some terrorists
> recorded head cutting tapes about several Americans and western
> country citizens. Does MIT accept such tapes be presented
> publicly? Is this just because those tapes are more bloody vividly
> than wood materials? Or all these two things are evil?
> Many people in USA are aware of Jews were slaughtered, Japanese
> suffered from two nuclear bombs in world war two. But how many of
> you know Japanese troops killed 300,000 people in just one city of
> China? We do not say that a lot, do not means we are not hurt by
> it. Now, this Japanese is showing these slaughters again without a
> little bit regrets. We Chinese can not accept it.
> Art is not an excuse!