最近看到一本英文书及其中译本,随便读了几页,觉得十分有趣。一是这位哈佛大学名牌教授的书怎么好象都是针对中国现状写的, 二是看了中译本让我笑疼了肚子
We must figure out how intelligence and morality can work together to create a world in which a great variety of people will want to live. After all, a society led by “smart” people still might blow up itself or the rest of the \world. Intelligence is valuable but, as Ralph Waldo Emerson famously remarked, “Character in more important than intellect.” That insight applies at both the individual and the societal level.
From<Intelligence Reframed>
Published by Basic Books (10 East 53th Street, New York, NY 10022-5299)
Written by Howard Gardner, a Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education and Co-Director of Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
全书把figure out 都翻译成"指出",句子怎么也不通顺,真难为这个博导了.